Li Xiaoming
Senior Embedded Engineer
Nanjing Fujitsu Nanda Software Technology
Tell us a bit about yourself – how did you get your start in automotive technology?
I am a senior embedded engineer at Fujitsu. Before joining Fujitsu, I worked as a telecom software engineer for several years and had less interaction with open source community. It is amazing to be an AGLer and collaborate with guys of various cultural backgrounds.
What are you working on within AGL? Can you sum up your experience so far?
Within AGL, I mainly work on CIAT and license compliance related area, including AGL regression test of every release and setting up automated environment to manipulate AGL packages license. Besides that, my personal interest covers every place of AGL system. I usually submit fixes to AGL in my spare time. My boss did not ask me to do that, it is just for fun.
What do you think is most important for AGL to focus on in the next year?
AGL documentation. A great project can’t live longer without great documentation. There are still many to-do’s inside AGL documentation for various reasons. For example, some packages miss their descriptions or instructions, some documents are out of date. This may confuse new people. In the next year, I hope AGL will pay more attention to this work.
What advice would you offer other developers or software engineers interested in getting started with AGL?
Try AGL right now. Don’t be afraid of asking “stupid” questions. Nobody will kill you.
What technology could you not live without?
E-commerce and express. I have a strong addiction to online shopping.
Where do you hope to see AGL in 5 years?
Vehicles running AGL in China. China is the world’s top automaker and market, AGL should play an important role there.
In the AGL Developer Showcase series, we talk to developers and software engineers to learn more about the work they are doing with AGL and open source. If you are currently involved in AGL or a user of AGL and would like to be featured in the Developer Showcase, please email us.